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Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Welcome to my site. This is the 7th Edition over the last 14 years. To give background to what my site is. Its basically to me personally is a massive internet bookmarking site. At the moment I run about 25+ groups on Facebook, a CD online music cd shop, run numerous blogs and assist with other projects as well. I am hoping that people who stumble across the site will find something of interest. On the whole the music I mainly post is in the electronic music genre.

Why 7th edition and why the name? Well the internet of 10 years plus ago was less regulated and encoruage people to publish, of late the designs have got more intricate and most sites need payment methods to keep them active and online. Although I had done various blogs over the years on blogger, I migrated to Wordpress but then went back to Blogger. I think overall the designs are OK and the content stays on the sites, where as everything you publih on other sites can dissapear.

The site will be a real mix and match of everything Im doing at this moment, some of the intial content will be copied over from the now defunct wordpress. I like the fact on blogger you can transfer content to email, tumblr and facebook at ease.

Anyway onwards we go again.

Simon Allen


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