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Thursday, August 16, 2018


Orbital – Legacy but hardly any recognition

Orbital are one of those band that made a move away from being part of a danc e scene to moving towards more abstract Electronica. I always feel that in some ways Orbitl never truly get the recognition they desereved in terms of the legacy of their music. I think in some ways it might be in part due to the nature of breaking up, reforming and then breaking up again. My start with orbital was probably with the Omen single, which was released after ‘Chime’ it was a dance record that features Liz Fraser samples and sort of stood out. I remember also in 1992 there was an article in one of the press that showed their influences. In the artcile they mentioned Cabaret Voltaire and Severed Heads.
So I went from asociating them with other dance bands to setting them apart from what was around at the time.Personally I love the ‘Insides’ album from around 1996/7, the 3 x CDs singles of Satan Live are a pinnacle in their output.
Im hoping Orbital release more material soon and get their music more back into the media networks.


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