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Thursday, August 16, 2018

LFO-band no2.

Band 2 : L.F.O

Not to be confued with the Light Funky Ones. LFO were originally a duo who worked on drum machines and basically produced mix tapes which they gave to their friends. The band gave one of the tapes to a local DJ who mixed it into his sets. So the reaction they got from the crowd meant that the band went from being a hobby to a serious career choice.
LFO was Gez Varley and Mark Bell. They released the Seminal tracks ‘LFO’ which the link is underneath for the track. Around 1990/91 the track was getting major airplay and the band went into the charts for a short term. It was followed by ‘We are back’ which was a nod to Kraftwerk which they openly admitted in interviews at the time. Other classics tracks that were recorded(but Im not sure if it was officially released was ‘Take Control’ which was recorded for a peel session in 1991/2.
LFO released three albums ‘Frequencies’, ‘Advance’ and ‘Sheath’. Varley left in 1996 and mark Bell continued on. He also worked on projects for Depeche Mode(exciter) and Bjork among other artists.
Sadly Mark Bell died in 2014 after complications after an operation.


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