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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Is everything online now only temp

Is everything online now only temporary

Its very strange writing this post. Forgive me for a bit of naiveity but normally when you publish something it stays online for a long time. Well it would seem it does in the UK, but not on US sites. Over the past year I have had 7 different accounts on tumblr closed, for the one reason that a photo was shared that had a copyright issue. Then Youtube decides to close an account that had been operational since 2011. In some ways me starting this site is a link to all the things that are published. I feel the youtube is a bit contradictory in that you pot a video and they send you an email informing you the song is owned by a company. But its normally OK as they link advertising to it.  But not now so it would seem. In 2009 facebook deleted all group posts without warning.
So in the end you end up self publishing and using external sites.So in theory you stop using the site althogether. Tumblr is a site built on photo’s owned by other people.
Thats my moan over with.


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