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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Set backs and Health

Setbacks and Health

Not one to normally talk in personal terms on my web sites. For those of you who check my Fb groups and pages, there was a massive delay caused by outside influences.On the whole up until my 40s I had not experienced any health issues at all. If I got anything like a cold, I would be able to shrug it off with out any issues. In september last year I caught a cold and could not shrug it off, originally it started in my nose, the pain was so bad I went to doctors and I think ultimately it was the quick thinking of the doctor that saved me. Over the following two week period my cold got worse. I started to notice my chest feeling wheezy and having to wrap up in many layers to protect myself from the cold.
After this cold I went to my place of work and had a massive pain in my upper chest, originally not thinking it could be heart. I went back to my doctor and they ordered a blood test. Next day I got a phonecall saying ‘Dont be alarmed, but ambulance on its way’. So I went into hospital that time not feeling like I had any issues with my heart. But as they did more tests I had to accept that I had had a minor heart attack. After a few days it was diagnosed as ‘Myocarditis’ which is inflamation of the heart muscle.
So I was treated with antibotics and returned home for a period of recuperation. Problem was that I was feeling wretched some days. I would go to work and then spend the rest of the day recovering.
In early January on a day off I got pain in my chest, so I was taking heartburn tablets. Then the pain went into my arms and I thought to myself thats not right. I was being apologetic to the ambalance crew. ‘This could be the worst case of heartburn’. When I got into hospital they did a blood test and it was showing high levels of traponin. So it had indicated to them that I had heart attack.
When faced with the pain, the only thing you can do is rest and recuperate. I was told for three days not to move from the bed. This in some ways affects the body in different ways. At one point i was thinking have a had a heart attack, but when the cardiologist said , if there is any deterioation then we will send you in an air ambulance I realised the seriousness of the situation.
If anything what has happened has re-motivated me a bit to make things work better across everything. When you are in hopsital you realise that you are closer to death than you were at home. Its a great leveller. Changes, well diet, exercise and eating the right things and not letting little things stress or regretting things you cannot change.


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