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Thursday, August 16, 2018

spotify 1990

1990 Spotify.

I think there was such a movement in the 1980s. It took a while for the 90s to really get going musically. I suppose there was continuation with dance music, but alot of the bands that were prominent in the 80s were nowhere to be seen in thi year for instance New Order and the Cure did not release any new material in this year. There was programs that were championing the dance scene at the time like Dance Energy. So the dance scene started to flourish and the rave scene got bigger and so did the control by the authorities. I was getting heavily into industrial music at this time. But I was buying the occasional dance tracks. So I was listening to say Joey Beltram one minute and then Throbbing Gristle the next. Sometimes the scenes sort of met in the middle.
The intensity of the guitar rock and indie from previous years had died away,so bands that I had followed intensely like chameloens and Xmal, were gone. It felt at the time that people were searching for the next movement.
For me personally I was discovering new music but doing research into previous recordings and as a result was able to buy in bulk. So I would be buying releases of electonica dating back to 1978. The problem I had then is similar to know in that I was recieving so much music that it was hard to absorb everything. So for a while I was discovering tracks but then on repeated listens I was finding even better.


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