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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Spotify 1991

1991 Spotify

I sort of have the thought in my mind that someone I used to know might read these posts and think ‘blimey, he is living in the past’. To be perfectly honest when you are younger its very easy to be a musical snob. In that you casually dismiss music that you did not like at the time and then rediscover it later by getting into another artist. In some ways using spotify since 2011 has meant that I will listen to a track and it assiocates tracks with that song. So for instance I play New Order ‘Blue Monday’ and it recommends similar artists and tracks from that year. In doing these playlists and splitting them up into years it means I can listen to music in the now. But going back over the years it amazing the sheer amount of artists that came and went in this time.
Personally and professionally(almost) 1991 was my year zero in that what had gone before was important but I needed to think longer term. Not just from a music point of view but where I headed to start my career. At this time I was working 9-5 and with no ties I was investing it, almost completely into cd’s and 12″. I think the biggest influence on my life was seeing Kraftwerk this year.
That pushed me into computers as my main profession. Also on a personal level two people who I knew from way back where outlining their plans to live abroad. This I have to say held no interest to me what so ever. As my interest in music and culture was just english, although the music I liked was international I think I just decided there and then to move away but try and experience more ways of living within the UK. For instance where I grew up the average age was 52!. Computers and University made the perfect sense.
1991 was a year where some bands came from nowhere The prodigy, Leftfield, Orbital as well. The latter band had released ‘Satan’ single in the previous year but started to really get better and better. On the Dance side there was lots of acts that came and went especially in dance tracks. For instance Njoi were one band who were big but then dissapeared from view(although Saffron the vocalist turned up in repulbica later). The industrial scene as well was getting really good as well, bands that had released some ground breaking 80s albums were upgrading their sound for the 90s.


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